To be considered for membership at Christ Fellowship each potential member must give a credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ and have been baptized as a believer according to Christ’s command. We also ask that our potential members agree with our doctrine in the primary areas and agree to the membership covenant.


Membership Process

1. Membership class

Once a quarter we offer a membership class. This is an informal time of fellowship and provides an overview of our vision, values, doctrine, and membership participation. Attending a class does not commit you to membership process.

2. Application submission

After prospective members have attended a membership class, they are encouraged to submit their application to one of the elders via email or in person.

3. Membership interview

When your application is received, an interview will be scheduled with the leadership. This interview provides prospective members with an opportunity to ask any further questions they may have regarding the church and its doctrine. This also provides a time for potential members to discuss what areas they would consider serving the body.

4. Presentation to the congregation

Following a favorable interview, at the next business meeting, potential members will be presented to the congregation. The congregation will then vote to affirm admission of new members.

5. Ministry involvement

The work of ministry at Christ Fellowship Church depends on its members. We want to help you discover the place God is leading you to serve!